Good Practics

Earning my live as a freelance software developer for more than 30 years now, I've seen many trends coming and going. Some were short-lived "hypes", others became well established but often only coined a new term for long existing practice.

Nevertheless I identified at least two particular techniques that worked amazingly well - at least for me - so that I decided to create dedicated landing pages:

  • Software Refactoring - especially close to the point in time when a software development project ends, or the features for the next product release are frozen.
  • Test Driven Development - meaning you implement or add to small testing harnishes each time you add a feature to production code.

In addition there are two special landing pages for the fields of my expertise I can offer to customers, besides software development:

For the latter you may already have glanced over the fields of my expertise on the welcome page or my personal data sheet or can find it in detail here.


The following four Domains have the above mentioned targets as their direct landing page:

In the forseeable future I plan to link from the above pages - at the "price" of a back-link - to the offerings of other freelancers with a scope in that field. Please contact me if you are interested.

[*: For technical reasons it will take some time until the three '.de'-domains marked above will reach the associated landing page.]